The thing that truly intrigued me about the way WT followers view the word "Truth" is the way the word was portrayed in one of their publications.
Back in 1968, at the infamous assembly when the 1975 end-of-the-world-but-we're-not-saying-anything-that-cant-be-denied-later doctrine was announced, they produced the publication "The Truth That Leads to Everlasting Life" Selling a hefty 120M copies worldwide, it is still the WTS's biggest selling propaganda item of literature. Notice the word "That" It happens to be a neuter adjectival modifier for the word "Truth" so whatever else the WTS and its accolytes believe the "Truth" to be, it is to them an "It" and not a person.
It is conventional wisdom for the R&F membership to regard the word "Truth" to refer to the entire corpus of currently accepted WT doctrine, as sanctified by its appearance in WT literature. It is because of this that the "Truth" does not always remain "true" since, to the chagrin of the WTS, practical events overtake these "Truths" and they get discarded and become "falsehood"
The WTS, by encouraging a corporate theological amnesia on its membership, manages with a nimble dexterity that is only possible in a hermetically sealed society, to overide any qualms that the majority would have.
Such an arifice would not have been required if the WTS had actually stuck to the thematic centrality of the Bible - Jesus Christ - who is the Truth. In this respect the book ought to have been entitled: "The Truth Who leads to Everlasting Life"
An organisation that cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood, and which, through strident campaigning, covers up the falsities it creates, must surely have diabolical origins.